Sunday, December 9, 2012

Education as a system

Education as a system

Acc to Romiszowski
“A System is an interrelation of parts”

Acc to Hodge
“ Any entity conceptual or physical that consists of independent but interrelated parts”

 Pilecki defines system as :

“Any entity composed of
v  A number of parts
v  The relationship of these parts
v  Attributes of both parts and the relationships”

A set of interrelated parts which though separate have a common purpose towards which they work Parts form a unified whole.  Each and every part is equally important is constituting the whole.


1.        Every system is a part of a larger system called as SUPRA SYSTEM. 
2.        All systems as a rule have subsystems and are also a part of supra system ( eg  School- secondary boards-state- nation – supra system)
3.        A system always has specific aims and objectives
4.        A system may be either closed or open. 
5.       Closed systems are subject to entropy- the tendency to run down. Open systems receive inputs from the environment and so there is no entropy
6.       A system is separated by boundaries from its environment System absorbs  members from external environment
7.        Members of an institution possess multiple memberships. 
8.       There is resource exchange between an institution and its external environment. 
9.        The whole system is greater than its parts.

The Social System by Talcott Parsons

The world of objects is composed of three classes

Social                       Physical                                              Cultural

{An Actor                    Conditions                                              Ideas, Beliefs
Plurality of actors}        Environment, Empirical Entities               Traditions, Customs

Sub Systems of Social System

o   Family
o   Religion
o   Culture
o   Community
o   Education
*Education however has all the characteristics of social system as the sub system  have all the characteristics of social system. A social system is known as sub system when the frame of reference is wider system. Thus for society  as whole education is a sub system but in its own right it is a system.


1.       Effectiveness
2.       Efficiency
3.       Dependability
4.       Flexibility
5.       Acceptability

Nature of Education as a System

1.       A dynamic process
2.       Interrelation of different Parts
3.       Sub system of Social system
4.       Critical
5.       Purposeful activity
6.       Normative
7.       Theoretical as well as Practical
8.       Preparing to accept one’s role in society
9.       Organized and well structured
10.   Interaction as the base


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