Tuesday, October 9, 2012



Shakespeare states
“We know what we are, but know not what we may be”

Indian Society needs reconstruction .This can be accomplished with the help of educator who are to transmit the best of Indian culture to younger generation by linking it with western knowledge. 

The Indian society needs positive social change .The teacher can develop the Forward Looking outlook among  pupils .For this purpose ,they must develop in themselves ‘occupational personality’ which is liberal in outlook & progressive its beliefs & ideas.

Dr. P. N. Kirpal in his article named “Towards an education in 21st century ”  mentioned

                                           Issues                        Explosions                           Gaps



(Power—the single-minded desire to achieve one’s solitary purpose, Love—the drive towards unity)

Jaques Delors While presenting his report titled “LEARNING: THE TREASURE WITHIN” to UNESCO in 1996 in which he puts emphasis on the need of VALUE EDUCATION

                            Functional Learning      ----------------- Teaching as training
                           Deep Personal Meaning   ----------------Teaching as Educating



Learning to know implies learning how to learn by developing one's concentration, memory skills and ability to think.
Every individual has hidden talents such as
1. Memory
2. Reasoning
3. Imagination
4. Physical ability
5.  Aesthetic sense
6. Aptitude to communicate

 From infancy, young people must learn how to concentrate - on objects and on other people. This process of improving concentration skills can take different forms and can be aided by the many different learning opportunities that arise in the course of people's lives (games, work experience programmes, travel, practical science activities, etc.)

The development of memory skills is an excellent tool for countering the overpowering stream of instant information put out by the media. It would be dangerous to conclude that there is no point in people's improving their memory skills because of the vast amount of information storage and distribution capacity available. While some selectivity is undoubtedly required when choosing facts to be "learned by heart", there are numerous examples of the human memory's ability to outperform computers when it comes to establishing connections between memorized facts that apparently have very little to do with each other. The specifically human ability of associative memorization is not something that can be reduced to an automatic process; it has to be carefully cultivated. Furthermore, specialists in this field agree that memory skills have to be developed from infancy and that it is dangerous to discontinue various traditional exercises in schools simply because they are considered to be boring.

Thinking is something children learn first from their parents and then from their teachers. The process should encompass both practical problem-solving and abstract thought. Both education and research should therefore combine deductive and inductive reasoning, which are often claimed to be opposing processes. While one form of reasoning may be more appropriate than the other, depending on the subjects being taught, it is generally impossible to pursue a logical train of thought without combining the two.

Suggestions : -

Varied Curriculum: Subject matter , library activities , laboratory activities, playground activities, co-curricular activities

Different methods of teaching
          Problem Solving
          Laboratory Work


This question is closely associated with the issue of occupational training: how do we adapt education so that it can equip people to do the types of work needed in the future?

Learning must transform certified skills into personal competence. It is assessed by looking at a mix of skills and talents, social behaviour, personal initiative and a willingness to work. These are often referred to as interpersonal skills or peoples’ skills by employers. Knowledge along with other qualities like communication, teambuilding and problem solving skills is most demanded by the service sector these days. Personal Competence includes life skills like :

1. Social behavior
2. Personal initiatives
3. Willingness to take risk
4. Communication skills
5. Problem solving skills 
5. Adaptability
6. Social responsibility 
7. Leadership skills  


Education should help in inculcating a spirit of empathy in students so that it can have a positive effect on their social behaviour throughout their lives. Understanding each other, resolving conflicts through dialogue and discussion should be the essential tools of present day education.

People of the world should accept their differences but start working on the basis of their commonalties for the survival of humankind.

Values to be developed amongst students

a)      Non Violence
b)      Cooperation
c)       Selfless attitude
d)      Developing values
e)      Accepting human diversity
f)       Instill  an awareness of the similarities and interdependence of all people

Learning to be

The aim of development is the complete fulfillment of man and his development in a holistic way as an individual, member of a family and community and as a responsible citizen.

According to Alvin Toffler

“ The illiterate of 21st century will not be those who can not read or write but those who can not learn ,unlearn and relearn”

Person's complete development - mind and body, intelligence, sensitivity, aesthetic appreciation and spirituality. All people should receive in their childhood and youth an education that equips them to develop their own independent, critical way of thinking and judgement so that they can make up their own minds on the best courses of action in the different circumstances in their lives.

Individual – Family member, Community member, Citizen, Professional, Innovator, Creative dreamer
Educational Experiences : Aesthetic, Social , Moral, Spiritual, Logic and reasoning

Wednesday, October 3, 2012



Acc to Prof. RB Mathur (1964)

“Social Change refers to the modifications in the organization and behavior of the grop expressed in its laws, institutions, customs, modes and beliefs. When change supposedly for the better it becomes progress which is essentially an evolutionary concept”

Acc to SP Ruhela

“ The term social change might imply changes in social attitudes, behavior, customs, habits, manners, relations and value of people, in social institutions and structures, in the ways or styles of living”

Types of Social change

   Progressive/ Positive
    The change from social evils to scientific thoughts                                      

   Digressive / Negative
   In a well going society new evils emerg


1. A Universal Phenomenon
2.  The spreading of social change is not uniform
3.  Variations in the Speed of social change
4. Unpredictable
5.  Results in interaction of number of factors
6. Modifications or replacements.

Aspects of Social Change

Scientific and Technological

Factors affecting Social Change

1)       Cultural factors
2)      Geographical factors
3)      Environmental factors
4)      Economic factors
5)      Factor of migration
6)      Technological factor
7)      Factor of population
8)      Psychological factor
9)      Ideological factors
10)   Factor of war
11)   Diffusion of cultures
12)   Urbanization
13)   Visual and print media
14)   Westernization
15)   Industrialization
16)   Actions of exceptional individuals
17)   Legislation
18)   Secularism
19)   Democratization
20)   Materialistic attitude

Obstacles in Social Change

1.       Superstitious beliefs
2.       Conservative nature
3.       Cultural fanaticism
4.       Castes
5.       Classism
6.       Religion
7.       Fear
8.       Regionalism
9.       Parochialism
10.   Isolation

Role of education in Social Change

1)      Education perpetuates eternal values
2)      Promotes capacity to welcome social change
3)      Evaluation of social change
4)      Transmission of culture
5)      Removal of obstacles
6)      Increasing the areas of knowledge
7)      Leadership role
8)      Mother of new changes
9)      Spreading knowledge
10)   Stabilizing democratic values
11)   Control channelizes and modifies thoughts of new generation
12)   School as a workshop for citizenship training
13)   Awareness against social evils
14)   National and international understanding
15)   Equality among masses
16)   Social Awakening
17)   National Development

Influence of Education on Family

According to Maciver
“ A family is a group defined by a sex relationship sufficiently precise an enduring to provide for procreation and bringing of children”

A family unit is the unit which builds up a person’s personality. How you behave and what you become in life is very much dependent on your family life. Psychologists believe that a child learns the most from his or her family life

According to Burgess and locke
A family is a group of person united by the ties of marriage, blood or adoption constituting a single household, interacting and intercommunicating with each other”

. The way your family members deal with you has a lifelong effect on your personality. Keeping in view all these facts the importance of your family life cannot be denied. Family unit happens to be the most important part of your life till you grow up. The children are usually closer to their parents and their siblings as compared to any other person in the world. As the children grow up they find good friends, spouses, their own kids and colleagues to share their lives with. Although time brings this change but the importance of family remains there. The children who have a sound family background and who belong to a family with strong family ties are almost always happier. Thus one cannot deny the importance of family life.

Types of Family

Extended family
Nuclear family

Extended Family: The unit in which the adults and children of more than two generations are closely combined. The family in this system extend vertically over three or more generations.

Nuclear Family: The nuclear family is a small unit consisting of parents and children usually two. In this unit the parents are sole authorities and emotional relations among family members are concentrated and intense

Roles Of family

1.       Cooperation of family in education
2.       Proper Physical Development
3.       Proper moral development
4.       Blossoming the interest of children
5.       Opportunity to participate in household responsibilities
6.       Development of intellect
7.       Free expression of child’s desires and urges
8.       Religious education

Influence of Education on Family

1.       Improve home management
2.        Recognition of worth of home
3.       Production of  educated elite (Families)
4.       To discharge productive duties towards home
5.       Family Planning
6.       An efficient member of family
7.       Social efficiency of family
8.       Adjustability in family
9.       Co-ordination of family and school
10.   Education of parents
11.   To maintain better homes
12.   Cultivation of higher values
13.   Propagates cooperation within and outside the home
14.   Create liberal and wider attitude
15.   Increasing productivity of family members
16.   Optimizing Economic efficiency

Influence of Education on society 

Education plays a very important role in moulding the character of an individual. It is one of the concrete sources from which one get information and knowledge. It affects the society. We can make sense of its effective role from the following points.

1] Preservation and transmission of our social, moral and cultural values.
In Education, through curriculum, students will be acquainted with social, moral and cultural values and teachers make them familiar with values and ideal through different activities, games, story-telling etc. Education makes them familiar with constitution, rules and regulations of citizens and so on. As we find in NPE 1986 major objectives to produce a productive citizen has been fulfilled by education so education preserves our value and it make others to imbibe those values.

2] Awakening of Social feelings
Through education individuals become aware about the importance of unity, love, fraternity and other values. Education makes all people get awakened of being a part of society and how they can contribute the world as society. People know different values and life skills and thus they develop concern for society including social mindedness, values life skills, learning to be, learning to do, learning to know, learning to live together via different activities story telling dramatization.

3] Political development of society
Education makes all aware about rights and duties of all, which are their responsibilities and duties so that they can develop their civic sense. Through different lesson of political leaders and stories education develop ideal leadership quality so that in future citizens can lead t e state as a society.

4] Economic development of society
Education develops skills in individual and makes him a productive citizen. Through education everyone learns how to earn money and as per their qualification he gets job or labour and on the whole with the help of education more or less everyone get work and earn money so due to increasing literacy per capita income will increase As we find govt take help in the form of tax and thus our economy develops. Because of education people migrate in other country and their earning helps to develop society, country. Thus education affects the economic development of society.

5] Social control
Education makes all aware about customs and duties the same as it makes aware about the rules and regulations as we find the rules in Indian constitution. People know how to preserve their lives via education. They make also familiar with crimes. Thus education provides a guideline and it controls all society.

6] Social changes and reforms
Education makes individuals perfects and aware about the rights. So can claim against dwelled superstitions, beliefs which are harmful for them. Through education everyone learn grow to live and how to save from difficulty and how to inculcate values and ideals in their lives and ideals in their lives so they can appeal in court having of felling injustice. Education makes all aware about how to live peacefully and how to face difficulties ion their lives .They become aware about the proverbs like ‘nothing ventured, nothing gained’ so they develop their risk taking attitudes via education.

7] Socialization of a child
Education trains the mind of a child and it teaches him how to inculcate values in his life. It makes the child understand what is society, how he is a part of society, what are his roles in society, how he should behave, how he should interact with others etc. Education helps him to understand who is he? And it develops a sense if a social being in him. In short education socializes a child.

Thus, education produces productive citizens it helps everyone how to flourish and makes them ideal citizens of society. To sum up, Education influences the society.