Sunday, December 9, 2012

Knowledge Focused to Teacher focused to learner Focused Learning Environment

Knowledge Focused to Teacher focused to learner Focused Learning Environment

“Learning environment is the sum of the internal and external circumstances and influences surrounding and affecting a person's learning”  Vickers

From ancient times education is playing its pivotal role in society accordance with its needs. But When there is alteration in society the other parts do alter. So the transformation and shift in education (Its aims, its functions etc) is indispensable. Lets discuss from archaic to world of technology.

1.       Knowledge focused learning environment

"He who is possessed of supreme knowledge by concentration of mind, must have his senses under control, like spirited steeds controlled by a charioteer." Upanishads

Learning  Educational system through the ages had been prized and pursued not for its own sake, if we may so put it, but for the sake, and as a part, of religion. (It was sought as the means of self-realization, as the means to the highest end of life. viz. Mukti or Emancipation. Ancient Indian education is also to be understood as being ultimately the outcome of the Indian theory of knowledge as part of the corresponding scheme of life and values.

It has been molded and shaped in the course of its history more by religious than by political, or economic, influences. The fundamental principles of social, political, and economic life were welded into a comprehensive theory of Knowledge i.e. liberation

Important Features of Knowledge focused learning environment

A – Aims of education

1.       Liberation the ultimate aim
2.       Control of mind
3.       Self Realization
4.       Removal of ignorance
5.       Spiritual Knowledge
6.       Character  Building

B – Curriculum

1.       Religious education
2.       Knowledge of art and literature

C- Methods of Instruction

1.       Meditation
2.       Mythical Method
3.       Discussions

D – Teacher

1.       Nature
2.       Self
3.       Society

2.        Teacher focused learning environment

According to smith “ Teacher

                                                                Means : Knowledge

Teacher                                                    Educational Process                                        Child     

                                                      Means : Teacher’s Personality   

1.       Primary Focus on Teacher
2.       Teaching – a bipolar process
3.       Teacher dominate learning
4.       Knowledge transmitted only through teacher
5.       Students passive role
6.       Aims of education decided by teacher
7.       Focus on Content rather than Students’ level
8.       Teacher centered curriculum
9.       Teacher directs and controls all aspects of learning
10.   Strict discipline
11.   Imposition on child
12.   Teacher chosen methods of teaching
13.   Text books prescribed by teacher
14.   Learning- A solitary activity

3.       Learner Focused Learning Environment

Learning-centered education places the student at the center of education. It places the responsibility for learning on the student, while the instructor assumes responsibility for facilitating the student’s education. Learning-centered education advocates a student-focused teaching and learning environment. Educators attempt to maximize student productivity, knowledge acquisition, skills augmentation and development of personal and professional abilities.

“The perspective that couples a focus on individual learners (their heredity, experiences, perspectives, backgrounds, talents, interests, capacities, and needs) with a focus on learning (the best available knowledge.”  McCombs

1.       Teacher and student learn together
2.       Teacher’s role to facilitate learning
3.       Initiatives on the part of students
4.       More options and responsibilities for students for learning
5.       No Longer passive to teacher’s knowledge
6.       Self paced tutorials
7.       Self discipline
8.       Problem Based learning
9.       Shift in teacher’s role
10.   Learning process rather than content
11.   Significant position of learner
12.   Experience based learning
13.   Learner Based Methods of teaching
14.   Varied approaches ( Open Distance E learning)

Education as a system

Education as a system

Acc to Romiszowski
“A System is an interrelation of parts”

Acc to Hodge
“ Any entity conceptual or physical that consists of independent but interrelated parts”

 Pilecki defines system as :

“Any entity composed of
v  A number of parts
v  The relationship of these parts
v  Attributes of both parts and the relationships”

A set of interrelated parts which though separate have a common purpose towards which they work Parts form a unified whole.  Each and every part is equally important is constituting the whole.


1.        Every system is a part of a larger system called as SUPRA SYSTEM. 
2.        All systems as a rule have subsystems and are also a part of supra system ( eg  School- secondary boards-state- nation – supra system)
3.        A system always has specific aims and objectives
4.        A system may be either closed or open. 
5.       Closed systems are subject to entropy- the tendency to run down. Open systems receive inputs from the environment and so there is no entropy
6.       A system is separated by boundaries from its environment System absorbs  members from external environment
7.        Members of an institution possess multiple memberships. 
8.       There is resource exchange between an institution and its external environment. 
9.        The whole system is greater than its parts.

The Social System by Talcott Parsons

The world of objects is composed of three classes

Social                       Physical                                              Cultural

{An Actor                    Conditions                                              Ideas, Beliefs
Plurality of actors}        Environment, Empirical Entities               Traditions, Customs

Sub Systems of Social System

o   Family
o   Religion
o   Culture
o   Community
o   Education
*Education however has all the characteristics of social system as the sub system  have all the characteristics of social system. A social system is known as sub system when the frame of reference is wider system. Thus for society  as whole education is a sub system but in its own right it is a system.


1.       Effectiveness
2.       Efficiency
3.       Dependability
4.       Flexibility
5.       Acceptability

Nature of Education as a System

1.       A dynamic process
2.       Interrelation of different Parts
3.       Sub system of Social system
4.       Critical
5.       Purposeful activity
6.       Normative
7.       Theoretical as well as Practical
8.       Preparing to accept one’s role in society
9.       Organized and well structured
10.   Interaction as the base

Education for ensuring sustainable development

Sustainable Development

Etymological meaning

Derived from Latin word “Sustenare” which means “to hold up” or “to support” and in modern context it is called “Maintain”

Acc to Brudtland Report

"Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
“Sustainability is defined as a requirement of our generation to manage the resource base such that the average quality of life that we ensure ourselves can potentially be shared by all future generations”
                                                                                                                                       Geir B.   Asheim

“Sustainable development is defined as achieving lasting satisfaction of human needs and improvement of the quality of human life. It involves environmental, economic, social and cultural political considerations, which need to be addressed in a holistic and integrated way.”  
                                                                                                                                           Walter Filho

We also understand that quality of life is a system, too. It's good to be physically healthy, but what if you are poor and don't have access to education? It's good to have a secure income, but what if the air in your part of the world is unclean? And it's good to have freedom of religious expression, but what if you can't feed your family? So sustainable development implies :

1.    Maximization of Human well being : Sustainable Development can be defined in technical terms as a development path along which the maximization of human well-being for today’s generations

2.    Betterment of present as well as future : It suggests today’s generations does not lead to declines in future well being . Attaining this path requires eliminating those negative externalities that are responsible for resource depletion and environmental  degradation .it also requires securing those public goods that are essential for economic development.

3.    A System connected with space and time : Sustainable development require that we see the world as a system—a system that connects space; and a system that connects time. When think of the world as a system over time, you start to realize that the decisions our grandparents made about how to farm the land continue to affect agricultural practice today. When you think of a world as a system over space you grow to understand that air pollution from one particular country to another.

4.    Understanding of ourselves and our worlds: The concept of sustainable development is rooted in this sort of systems thinking. It helps us understand ourselves and our world.

Dimensions Of Sustainable Development

Human: Education, Employment, Human Capital, HRD, Human Development, Human Spirituality, lifestyle, equal opputunities
 Health : Mental Physical spiritual well being, balanced diet, safe drinking water, clean air, sanitation, environmental hygiene, primary health care and education
Financial: Basic Needs, Economic efficient, producing useful goods, labor productivity
Natural: Ecology, Natural Resources, Flourishing Environment
Social: Culture, Social equity, social change, social values, Social norms, Community development

Role Of Education in Sustainable Development

1.       Educated Elite
2.       Reorientation of Moral and Spiritual Values
3.       Environmental Education
4.       Changing Attitudes
5.       HRD Education
6.       Development of Right aspirations of life
7.       Improving Economic and financial conditions
8.       Sense of obligation of Citizenship
9.       Reduction in Unemployment
10.   Development of capacity of independent thinking
11.   Inculcation of corporate responsibility
12.   Socialization
13.   National Consciousness
14.   Equal Opportunities to all
15.   Population Education
16.   Ecological education

Education as an Investment

Education as an Investment

Bill Gates says,

“Today, at the end of another century, change is in the air again. People are wondering whether schools are giving their children the skills they’ll need to succeed, this time in the Information Age. A new technology revolution is transforming business and putting new demands on our educational system”

As we enter the twenty-first century, it is clear that education is, indeed, the best investment that we can make, for an information economy depends upon a knowledgeable, skilled, educated workforce.

According to Merriam Webster’s Dictionary

“Investment is a thing that is worth buying because it may be profitable or useful in future”

Micro economics education learns the elements of demand, supply, and price of product education services. At the request of the elements learned about how prospective students to maximize the net revenue expected lifetime. Who's on the producer, namely education units to learn about how to combine inputs in order to obtain the lowest total cost, therefore, the discussion will also be related to the discussion about education as an industry.

Education organized by educational institutions, in which educational institutions may establish one or more educational units, then this means that the institution has a position as a business entity, and education units such as elementary, junior high, high school, vocational school, and programs of study in college serves as the company.

Education as Consumption and Investment
Education as consumption is education as a fundamental human right. Or is one of the democratic rights of every citizen. So until a certain level of procurement should be done by the government. Therefore, in many countries basic education (primary and secondary school) were used as compulsory education.


Psychological (Abilities, Interest, Willingness to Study, Cognition, stress)
Economical (Fees, Books, Other Expenditures)



Increasing Democracy
Producing Leaders
Favorable Effects on Society
Social Norms


Removing Poverty
Better Working Conditions
Better Jobs


Making Wise decisions 

Human Capital Investment

The Concept of Human Capital was introduced by Nobel Laureate Theodore W. Schultz and elaborated by Gary Becker
Economists refer to "capital" as any man-made resource used to create goods and services. An education can be thought of as human capital because it supposedly makes you better at creating products or delivering services. The education is the "resource" that creates better products/services.
The rate of return is hard to define or measure. Theoretically, if you could measure all the money you could make after a college education and compare that to the money you would have made without the education, the difference is the value of the education. It's a good investment if the cost of the education is less than the value.

Education as an Economic Goods

                              Producer’s Goods
                        Consumer’s Goods

Education as an Industry

·         With the popularization of the private self-financing colleges, and the Deemed Universities, the role of the private sector in education has been accepted and recognized.
·         Employment
·         Economic Growth

On the whole we can say that Education has an brilliant role in economical growth and it is an investment too because
1.      Producing Economically efficient Citizens
2.      Scientific and technological progress
3.      Creating opportunities
4.      Removing poverty
5.      Skilled workers
6.      Right attitude towards learning and work
7.      Awareness for better living
8.      Increasing Productivity
9.      Importance of education



The goal of development is the “promotion and expansion of valuable capabilities.” Amritya Sen

 Dimensions Of Human Development

Life         Knowledge         work & Play        Relationships     Spirituality           Participation  Inner Peace

Appreciation of beauty                                                                 Harmony with Non Human World

The concept of individual development is based on capability and capability is an all round human quality observable in what Sir Toby Weaver describes as 'purposive and sensible' action (Weaver, 1994). Capability is an integration of knowledge, skills, personal qualities and understanding used appropriately and effectively - not just in familiar and highly focused specialist contexts but in response to new and changing circumstances. Capability can be observed when we see people with justified confidence in their ability to:

• take effective and appropriate actions and decisions
• explain what they are about
• live and work effectively with others; and
• continue to learn from their experiences as individuals and in association with others, in
   a diverse and changing society.


Capability is a broader concept than that of competence. Competence is primarily about the ability to perform effectively, concerned largely with the here and now. Capability embraces competence but is also forward-looking, concerned with the realization of potential.

Education For the Development of Individual Capabilities

1.       Inspiring a sense of Purpose
2.       Use of Judgment, intelligence and commonsense
3.       Providing opportunities to action
4.       To think logically, Critically and analytically
5.       Inculcation of sense of responsibility
6.       Combining Internal and External Capabilities
7.       Facilitating Cooperation and Partnership
8.       Guiding and mentoring
9.       Development of one’s potential for self development
10.   Awareness about equality, justice and harmony
11.    Development of inborn potentialities- Education helps the child to develop the inborn potentialities of child providing scope to develop.
12.   Modifying behavior- Education helps to modify the past behavior through learning and through different agencies of education.
13.   All-round development- Education aims at the all round development of child-physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual.
14.   Preparing for the future- After completion of education the child can earn its livelihood getting proper education, which has productivity. The education should be imparted according to the own interest of the child.
15.    Developing personality- The whole personality of the child is developed physically, intellectually, morally, socially, aesthetically and spiritually. He is recognized in the society.
16.   Helping for adjustability- Man differs from beast. Man has reasoning and thinking power. Man tries his best to adjust with his own environment through education.
17.    Development of social and moral value: Society is always in tension with narrowism. There is no social or moral value. Now the man is behaving like an animal. Animality can be changed with moral education. Education teaches the moral value and social value like co-operation, tolerance, sympathy, fellow feelings, love affection, respect towards elder, helping the poor and needy persons.
18.   Providing opportunity or equality: Indian Constitution has introduced the term ‘equality’ because we are not getting equal opportunities in all aspects. Education teaches us to give equal opportunities in all aspects irrespective of caste, creed, color, sex and religion.
19.   Development of ethical and moral values
20.  Capacity for research and innovation
21.   Inculcation of civic and social responsibility- Education helps to make rising generation to understand its rights and duties as citizens of a democratic country.
22.  Training for leadership- The leadership quality of the individual is developed when he participates in all spheres of social, political, religious and educational activities.
23.  National integration- We are living in one country having diversities in respect of color, caste, language, diet, dress, habits and physical environment.