Connotation is the tone or emotional association that a word has. It can be negative or positive, but is usually something seen by the population in general but in logic, the characteristic or set of characteristics that makes up the meaning of a term and thus defines the objects to which a term can be applied.
Cunningham :- “Curriculum is a tool in the hands of the artist (teacher) to mould his material (pupils) according to his ideals (aim and objectives) in his studio (school)”
Curriculum is the core of an educational system. While education is a process, curriculum is a means to the process, while education is learning, curriculum signifies situations for learning, While education deals with ‘how’ and ‘when’, curriculum deals with ‘what’.
Brubacher has rightly compared curriculum with the ‘material’ in the construct of the ‘building of education’
Etymologically it is derived from the word ‘currer’ which means to run.
The ground on which the pupils and the teacher cover to reach the goal of education.
According to Modalior commission :- “Curriculum includes all the learner’s experiences in or outside that are included in a program which has been devised to help him develop physically, emotionally, socially, spiritually and morally.”
“Curriculum is the total effort of the school to bring about desired outcomes in school and out of school situations.” Sayler and Alexander
Coles (2003) “A curriculum is more than a list of topics to be covered by an educational programme, for which the more commonly accepted word is a ‘syllabus’. A curriculum is first of all a policy statement about a piece of education, and secondly an indication as to the ways in which that policy is to be realised through a programme of action.”
1. Narrower concept : Earlier Curriculum was considered as a body of subjects or subject matter prepared by the teacher for the students to learn it was synonymous to ‘course of study’ or ‘syllabus’
2. Priority to art and literature :
3. Vague
4. Teacher Centered
5. Priority to mind and sense
6. Philosophical approach
1. Wide and comprehensive
2. Experience centered
3. Application of Knowledge and understanding
4. Higher Position to Research
5. Systematically Planned
6. Based on Principle of utility
7. Child Centered
8. Psychological approach
9. Community centered
10. Interrelation of subjects
11. Management of leisure
12. Virtual learning
13. Problem base curriculum
14. Distance and correspondence learning
15. Priority to Science and technology
16. Co Curricular and Extracurricular activities
17. All around development
“Learning is the greatest game in life and the most fun. All children are born believing this and will continue to believe this until we convince them that learning is very hard work and unpleasant.” Gordon
“A school is an institution designed for the teaching of students (or "pupils") under the direction of teachers” Gilbert
The word school derived from Greek (scholē), originally meaning "leisure"
1. Religious Institutions
2. Residential Schools
3. Built by rulers
4. Religious education
5. Teachers as base
6. Primary Concern of teaching
7. Rigid Discipline
8. Concise Curriculum
9. Only intellectual development
1. Miniature Society
2. Demolished religious Institutions
3. Broad Curriculum
4. Discipline
5. Teacher as Facilitator
6. for Harmonious Development
7. Student as a chief concern
8. Empowerment of teachers
9. Management and administration
10. Technological advancements
11. New teaching & learning techniques
12. New developments in school buildings
13. Changes in society’s attitude towards learning/ learners
Among the greatest of all services that can be rendered by men to Almighty God, is the education and training of children, so that they can foster by grace in the way of salvation, growing like pearls of divine bounty in the shell of education and will be one day the jewel in the crown of abiding glory.
“A ‘teacher’ is a person who delivers an educational program, assesses student participation in an educational program, and/or administers or provides consistent and substantial leadership to an educational program.” Harmer
1. Dominant Information Feeder
2. Imparting instruction only
3. Major source of Knowledge
4. Syllabus Followers
5. Technically handicapped
6. Pre Service Training only
7. Older Methods of Instruction
1. Dominant Information Feeder to a Facilitator
2. Adaptation of Instruction to developmental levels
3. Friend Philosopher and Guide
4. Adapting Holistic Approach
5. A motivator and Encourage Feeder
6. Emphasis on Learner’s Initiative
7. Pre Service as well as In service Training
8. Planner of the learning
9. Moral Development
10. Assess the students
11. Freedom and Control
12. Experimentation Opportunity
13. Transforming Information into wisdom
14. Identifier of Students’ Potentialities
15. Reviewer and reinforce of students activities